Researchers and communities (organizations, volunteer groups, etc.) increasingly see value in working together to discover and test ways to achieve a community's goals, while adding to scholarship and knowledge. But as many who have sought and been a part of a collaborative research project can attest, such collaborations can be challenging to forge and to conduct.
With CAT Lab and in conjunction with bridge-building groups, I have co-designed and led community-research summits designed to surface research questions and collaborations that answer questions of interest to communities and researchers alike. As the research manager at CAT Lab, I worked with Nathan Matias using and honing CAT Lab's approach of "Citizen Behavioral Science" to conduct research in a way that anticipates and smooths bumps in community-research collaborations.
If you are a member of a community or a researcher contemplating a collaboration - or are already in the thick of one - I can advise you or help manage your project so that you and your collaborators come out satisfied with the experience.
Community-researcher collaborations
The Diffusion and Influence of Gratitude Expressions in Large-Scale Cooperation: A Field Experiment in Four Knowledge Networks. Preprint. Blog post.
Effects of Receiving Personalized Welcome Messages on French Wikipedia. Preprint. Blog post.
Broadening African Self-Representation on Wikipedia: A Field Experiment. Preprint. Blog post.
Research summits
The Public Sphere post Election 2020: A virtual research summit.
Wikipedian Research Summit, Stockholm 2019.
With CAT Lab and in conjunction with bridge-building groups, I have co-designed and led community-research summits designed to surface research questions and collaborations that answer questions of interest to communities and researchers alike. As the research manager at CAT Lab, I worked with Nathan Matias using and honing CAT Lab's approach of "Citizen Behavioral Science" to conduct research in a way that anticipates and smooths bumps in community-research collaborations.
If you are a member of a community or a researcher contemplating a collaboration - or are already in the thick of one - I can advise you or help manage your project so that you and your collaborators come out satisfied with the experience.
Community-researcher collaborations
The Diffusion and Influence of Gratitude Expressions in Large-Scale Cooperation: A Field Experiment in Four Knowledge Networks. Preprint. Blog post.
Effects of Receiving Personalized Welcome Messages on French Wikipedia. Preprint. Blog post.
Broadening African Self-Representation on Wikipedia: A Field Experiment. Preprint. Blog post.
Research summits
The Public Sphere post Election 2020: A virtual research summit.
Wikipedian Research Summit, Stockholm 2019.